Welcome to When Worlds Collide

Last updated on 11/06/2024 08:09:55.

A prospective role-playing gaming environment and system for convention and home play. When Worlds Collide is a new role playing system designed to cover all traditional role-playing genre's (fantasy, western, medieval, horror, cyberpunk, modern future etc.).

The primary aim of WWC is to allow convention organisers and gaming associations to write and run games for both convention and home play without infringing publishing copyright restrictions, and to have adventures proof read and published in a standard form for consistency.

As currently conceived, WWC adventures will be standardised on a short format of 3 encounters or 3 hours of play. Adventures will be stackable, so that 6,9, etc. hour adventures can be played, however writers will need to provide a summary sheet that can be read to players if they haven't played previous modules in the series.

Metagaming will also be available in the same stackable format. Results and experience points will be recorded, and made available under the Data Protection Act both for ranking purposes and for any convention or sponsored competitions, advertising or promotions that may be envisaged.

Browse our Web site for more information about When Worlds Collide. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a When Worlds Collide representative regarding our products or services, please e-mail us at Customer Services.

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We also envisaged is a stack of authorised pre-generated characters, which allow new players to play without rolling up characters. After the first adventure, players may either elect to keep the character or create a new character with the experience points and monetary value of all items gained. Initially, it is proposed that WWC on a new gaming system specially designed system for WWC environment. It is proposed that adventures are submitted no less than 3 weeks before play. Attached below are some PDF's of characters in various stages of their careers.


The adventure will be put into a standard format, graphics drawn or prepared and the adventure submitted to convention organisers in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Copyright at all times is retained by the authors, and any submissions are for the solitary use at the convention or event. The possibility of a subscription web based home play system so that writers can receive royalties from their work needs careful consideration, and would form part of a future proposal for developing WWC.

We are attempting to demonstrate a full range of the design's available. If you have requests please contact us.

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