
When Worlds Collide is committed to excellence not only in the conventions but also in the community. It is our responsibility to provide leadership and give back to the community as much as we possibly can. When Worlds Collide participates in many successful events from trade shows, seminars, convention activities. We are excited to list the following events When Worlds Collide will be participating in over the upcoming days and months. 
For more information regarding the time and place of these events, please visit our calendar page. If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our Contact Us section to speak with a When Worlds Collide representative. This area will contain the library link to released modules, as well as links to the GM tracking and rewards system.


Contingency 2025

Location: Searles Leisure Resort, South Beach, Hunstanton, Norfolk, PE365BB

Dates: 27th Jan to 3rd Feb

Five days of gaming in Sunny Hunny